Tuesday, November 26, 2019
The History Of Dinosaurs Essays - Dinosaur, Saurischia, Triceratops
The History Of Dinosaurs Essays - Dinosaur, Saurischia, Triceratops The History of Dinosaurs The dinosaurs were reptiles that appeared about 230 million years ago. It's believed that they had scaly skin and some ate plants and others ate meat. Scientists don't know whether or not the dinosaurs were cold blooded, but they think the smaller ones were warm blooded, and the large ones were cold-blooded. In this report you'll learn about the earliest dinosaurs, the kinds of dinosaurs, and how the dinosaurs died. There are two main groups of the earliest dinosaurs: Thesaurischian, and the ornithischian First I'll tell you about the Saurischian. The Saurischian were the first main group of dinosaurs. The Saurischian had lizard like hip joints. In this group there is the Theropoda. These weird dinosaurs were meat eaters that walked on their hind legs. Also there was the Sauropoda. The Sauropoda were the plant eating dinosaurs that walked on all four legs. The second main kind of dinosaurs were the Ornithischian, which had bird like hip joints. There is only one group belonging to this group and that is the ornithopoda. The Ornithopoda were plant-eating dinosaurs that walked on two legs. There were also the armored and horned dinosaurs, which were also plant eaters. There were many, many different kinds of dinosaurs. Some of them are the Brachiosaurus, the Stegosaurus, the Triceratops, the Tyrannosaurus, and the Zizhongosaurus. All of the dinosaurs are in one of two major groups. Plant eaters or meat eaters. Some plant eaters are the Saltasaurus, the Kritosaurus, and the Datousaurus. Some Meat eaters are the Chilantaisaurus, the Poekilopleuron, and probably the most terrifying one of all, the Tyrannosaurus. During the Carboniferous Period (360 to 286 million years ago), dense tropical forests were concentrated along the equator. Decaying vegetation, compressed by overlying deposits of sand and mud, was gradually converted into coal. Coal deposits of Illinios, the Appalachians, Britain and Germany were originally formed in a continuous band which was dispersed when the continents drifted apart. The Mesozoic Era lasted from 245 until 65 million years ago. In the sea, marine communities began to assume a modern composition of molluscs and other invertebrates. On land, dinosaurs dominated faunas, and the first flowering plants appeared. At the beginning of the Mesozoic, all of the earth's continents were joined as the supercontinent Pangea. Some dinosaurs can swim and some can fly. The ones that swim have large, flat arms, or flippers, that help them through the water. The ones that fly usually have two legs and huge wings that can have a 30 foot wingspan! There are many theories about how the dinosaurs died. The most populaur one is that the weather became cooler, and the dinosaurs had no feathers or fur to protect them against the changing weather. Others are like a star exploded, but then how could some other speacies have lived. Another one is that an astioriod hit the earth and made the land dark for three, or so , years. So only the animals that could live on nuts or rotten plants could live. They also think that they have the rock. The dinosaurs came to rise in the earlier part of the Triassic period, and ecologically dominated our planet until the late cretaceous. Dinosaurs evolved from reptiles, and birds evolved from the dinosaurs (to clear up an erroneous myth circulating out there, the dinosaurs did not evolve into birds. The birds came from the dinosaurs). Dinosaurs have been divided into two main groups: Saurischians, or "lizard-hipped" dinosaurs, and Ornithchians, or "bird-hipped" dinosaurs Saurischians, in my opinion, are the better of the two groups. They include all dinosaurian predators and the sauropods, or animals such as Apatosaurus and other very large animals. The ornithchians essentially include everyone else; Triceratops, Stegosaurus, Ankylosaurus, and all of the other herbivores. The saurischians are divided further into the theropods (animals that walked on two feet), and the sauropods, as mentioned above. Further information about these animals can be found in my two dinosaur databases, below. By now, most people are beginning to believe that dinosaurs were warm-blooded. Others believe that the dinosaurs were cold-blooded, and then there is the "muddy middle", or those who believe that the dinosaurs were some of both. This is known as the endo-ecto question, which asks whether the dinosaurs were endotherms (warm-blooded) or ectotherms
Friday, November 22, 2019
How to Construct a Strong Conclusion
How to Construct a Strong Conclusion How to Construct a Strong Conclusion Once you’ve written most of an assigned paper, you might struggle to create a proper conclusion. The conclusion, when you leave your audience with your final message, could be the part a reader remembers most. Knowing this, the conclusion should be written with as much thought and consideration as the rest of your piece. If you’re having trouble constructing a strong conclusion, here are some useful pointers: What makes a good conclusion? A good conclusion needs to combine your ideas accurately and seamlessly. It is expected to bring your reader back to your thesis statement and emphasize its significance. The reader should also have a general reminder of your main points and feel compelled to act in some way, motivated by what they learned from your paper. Different ways to form your conclusion Restate your introduction This conveys the reader back to your starting point and links all the ideas in the essay. Revisit the question or statement in your introduction that was meant to catch your reader’s interest this could be an illustration, a question, a story, or a famous quote. In this type of conclusion, you answer your question, provide the final events of the story, or give further details to explain your statement. Outline your main points A quick and simple way to end your paper is to reiterate your main ideas. This method works well for longer essays but may be tedious if used for shorter ones. Rather than merely repeating your ideas, it’s more interesting to the reader when you show how your points are connected. Issue a challenge to your reader You can stimulate your reader to do something or initiate a change based on the findings of your paper. Present this challenge or call to action and its benefits to the reader or its advantages over other actions. Your aim is to inspire your reader with their ability to create positive change in their own life or in the lives of others. Visualize the future Though the particulars of your essay, you help your readers broaden their view and look at the bigger picture. Your goal is to help them understand the relevance of your views to their present or future condition and realize how these affect their life or impact society in general. Present a thought-provoking question If you wish your reader to think more about the topic and explore your ideas further, you can leave them with a question. This could be used to inject a different viewpoint from that stated at the beginning of the essay or to offer interesting or unique information. A solid conclusion to your paper makes it more memorable. It ties your introduction and body into a unified whole. Knowing different ways to create a good conclusion helps you organize your thoughts better and choose the method that suits you. If you need assistance with essays, papers, case studies, and other academic research, in the GTA and throughout Canada is here to help. Our team of professional writers specializes in services for your academic needs. Get in touch with us at 1-800-573-0840.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
History of Maya Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
History of Maya - Essay Example In the warm climate ÃŽ ¿f the Maya area, clothing as protection from the elements had never been a necessity. Maya clothing was used as decoration and the most spectacular clothes were for the priest. The Maya personages wore large ear plugs, necklaces, breastplates, ornaments attached to the nose, lips, waist, legs, arms, all were used for resplendent effect. Mayan peasants wore very little. The men had a simple loincloth or rather a band ÃŽ ¿f material that went once around their waist and then between their legs. Some at least possessed deerskin moccasins. The women had two garments a length ÃŽ ¿f decorated cloth with holes cut for head and arms, known as a kub. Man and women used a heavier square ÃŽ ¿f cloth known as a manta, which served as an overwrap on cold days, and as a night time blanket. The mantra was used as a curtain across the doorway. Cotton and sisal were cultivated on a considerable scale, and weaving was one ÃŽ ¿f the main occupations ÃŽ ¿f Mayan women. Authorities think that cotton was reserved for nobility and priests. While the dress ÃŽ ¿f the peasants was simple, that ÃŽ ¿f the nobility was much more colorful and elaborates. Although their clothing was sparse, the Maya were fond ÃŽ ¿f personal adornment. The ordinary people wore ornaments ÃŽ ¿f bone, shell, wood, and stone in their ears, noses, and lips. For people in the higher rank, the decorations were ÃŽ ¿f metal or jade. They also filed their teeth into points and sometimes covered them with plates ÃŽ ¿f what were to them precious stones. ... The Maya personages wore large earplugs, necklaces, breastplates, ornaments attached to the nose, lips, waist, legs, arms, all were used for resplendent effect (Brainerd 68). Mayan peasants wore very little. The men had a simple loincloth or rather a band f material that went once around their waist and then between their legs. Some at least possessed deerskin moccasins. The women had two garments a length f decorated cloth with holes cut for head and arms, known as a kub. Man and women used a heavier square f cloth known as a manta, which served as an overwrap on cold days, and as a night time blanket. The manta was used as a curtain across the doorway. Cotton and sisal were cultivated on a considerable scale, and weaving was one f the main occupations f Mayan women. Authorities think that cotton was reserved for nobility and priests. While the dress f the peasants was simple, that f the nobility was much more colorful and elaborates (Whitlock 43). Although their clothing was sparse, the Maya were fond f personal adornment. The ordinary people wore ornaments f bone, shell, wood and stone in their ears, noses and lips. For people in the higher rank, the decorations were f metal or jade. They also filed their teeth into points and sometimes covered them with plates f what were to them precious stones, such as obsidian, iron pyrites and most valuable f all jade. Paint was used lavishly on their bodies, and was applied by means f pottery shards dipped in the paint pot. The colors f the paints had significance. The Maya also practiced tattooing (Whitlock 44). Mayan villagers were overall well organized. The families had a certain distribution f land. Probably, each f the habitants
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
ORGANISATION AND BEHAVIOUR Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
ORGANISATION AND BEHAVIOUR - Essay Example Out of various strategies, and techniques that are used to enhance greater productivity of human capital, motivation is a valuable psychological tool that promote people to be high performers. The first part of the assignment talks about the motivational theory in practice at Tesco, and explains concepts of change and leadership styles in relation to the motivational theory. Tesco is UK’s leading grocery and general merchandising retailer operating through more than 2000 stores in UK alone (Tescoplc.com, 2012). Motivation and Non-financial motives Schermerhorn, Hunt and Osborn (2005) defined motivation as â€Å"forces within an individual that account for the level, direction and persistence of efforts expended at work†(p. 120). An individual can be motivated by a number of different factors such as pay, reward, appreciation, promotion in the work, better working condition and so on. When an individual is motivated by any such method, he is mostly found to work harder and show sincere gratitude towards his job task and thus to be highly productive and be high performer. A company may use various types of non-financial motives such as 1) promotion, 2) safety at work, 3) reward and recognition, 4) better working condition, 5) health support, 6) education for children, 7) friendly atmosphere within the workplace, 8) organizational learning, 9) cooperation and 10) multicultural workplace. Effects of unmotivated workforce ... A company may use various types of non-financial motives such as 1) promotion, 2) safety at work, 3) reward and recognition, 4) better working condition, 5) health support, 6) education for children, 7) friendly atmosphere within the workplace, 8) organizational learning, 9) cooperation and 10) multicultural workplace. Effects of unmotivated workforce Unmotivated workforce will not work harder and therefore they will not be high performers or high productive in the workplace as compared to those who are motivated. Unmotivated workforce will not help the company create a brand loyalty among the customers as they are very likely to make mistakes and this will adversely impact the business. Unmotivated employees are found to show increased absenteeism and high turnover which in turn affecting the quality of business operation. Tesco benefiting from motivated workforce At Tesco, the management is highly concerned about customers as well as staff. The company supports its staff with its s pecially adjusted work and life balance through rewards and recognition. Flexible working, reduced health expenses, membership in gym, competitive salary, staff discount and company’s share options are some of Tesco’s attractive motivation incentives it offered to its people. From these incentives, Tesco has been benefiting to create trust and respect among its people. At Tesco, the motivated staffs are found to be in a partnership relation with managerial staff and thus they effectively accomplish their expected goals (The Times 100, 2012). Taylor’s motivation theory as not relevant to 21st century According to Taylor’s motivation theory, people are motivated by financial incentives as he argued that people worked purely for money. In early years, Taylor
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Sampling and Data Collection Plan Essay Example for Free
Sampling and Data Collection Plan Essay Team D has chosen to look into whether or not should Pear Inc. should start putting their resources into either Laptops or tablet electronic devices. Putting resources into a venture that may or not pan out could be detrimental to that same company. As an example; Kodak and their choice not to expand into digital, something they created, and stay the course with their polyurethane film (Mui, 2012).In the end the choice the public made was to go to digital and have the image saved for ever instead of the inevitable fading of pictures and the breakdown of the film making Kodak play catchup. Population, Size, and Target When considering of finding the population we have chosen social media for all sexes, ages, financial, and country demographics. The reasoning behind the choice is Pear’s product utilizes this source of media in particular. In addition social media is heavily used by the same people who frequent these sites. The sampling would reflect on Pear’s target audiences assisting in the choice of which direction to go with Pear’s resources. It determining size team D would like to obtain a min of 10% of the population of random sampling. Due to the time limit restraint of the weeks leading up to week 4 team D would like to see a 300 individual response to the choices of our chosen sampling element. Sample Element Team D had talked about data mining, survey source, and observation. Data mining would need to look at the sales of both the Pear Book and the Pear Pad in a given business cycle of the most current year (Stat Soft, 2014). This is due the fact technology is growing so fast looking at data, even one year ago, may provide incorrect data in which put Pear on a different direction then it should be taken. Also data mining would only answer the direction the company is being taken too by the market and not determining or understanding the cause of the direction. Data mining is also a form of observation. Pear could send out certain employees to different electronic store, web sites, chat rooms, or to any form of commerce to look at the all sales both Pear’s and its competitors, however still wouldn’t answer the question of where to place Pear’s resources. Pear must determine to logically and have firsthand knowledge of what people are thinking about before they go and purchase. What are their choices and needs to be filled when using their chosen electronic device. Personal lives continue to change. Meaning people might be going to college, High School, into video gaming, or just in need a device as a medium of entertainment. Pear has chosen to perform a targeted survey in which 9 questions would be asked. The survey would ask if they were to look for electronic devices today what they would be looking for. Additional questions would be asked: Age Income Laptop or tablet Gender Usage (business, pleasure, or both) Video gaming How much time on device (laptop or tablet) Prices of either Laptop or tablet Is brand type important Storage capacity Using the survey is putting the trust in the individual to answer the questions truthfully and accurately. However the moment the individual steps into the business or orders their device their mind may be changed at the point of sale. If there is a change this is the degree of variance and would be used in the confidence makeup of the sampling. We hope to have a 95% acucuracy. If we only have 300 answered surveys and we wanted to look at the age of those surveyed we would take the age range and find the mean. As an example let call the mean 26.7, then we would find out the standard deviation of those surveyed and receive 2.5. Then we would look to find the 95% interval of 1.96. I would calculate the formula of 1.96(2.5/sq root of 300) and receive the answer of .28 (rounded to the nearest tenth). Then I would take the mean of 26.7and add or subtract .51, (26.7+/-.51) the results are 26.42,26.98. In conclusion Team D would conduct a survey on an established social media site on the internet. Total the number of responses hoping to have at least 300 or more. The reliable information would need to be trusted because the questions are granular and generic enough to not have personal information. So protection would only be how many persons answered the question and nothing personable. Storage of the data would be password protected. References Mui, C. (2012). How Kodak Failed. Retrieved on October 9, 2014 from http://www.fo rbes.com/sites/chunkamui/2012/01/18/how-kodak-failed/ SHMA (2012). 4 Types of Consumer Buying Behavior. Retrieved on October 9, 2014 from http://managementation.com/4-types-of-consumer-buying-behavior/ Stat Soft (2014). What is Data Mining (Predictive, Analytics, Big Data). Retrieved on October 9, 2014 from http://www.statsoft.com/Textbook/Data-Mining-Techniques
Thursday, November 14, 2019
John Walker :: essays research papers
John Walker Lindh, the American accused of fighting alongside the Taleban, has been formally indicted on 10 charges of conspiring to kill fellow Americans. The US is a country of laws, not of men... Walker Lindh only recognised the law of brute force US Attorney General John Ashcroft The indictment, which was handed down by a grand jury in eastern Virginia, formalised the six charges filed against him last month and added four more. The 10-count charge sheet represents the next step in the case against the 20-year-old Californian Muslim. He faces multiple life sentences if convicted. Asked at a press conference whether the government would ask the grand jury to charge Mr Walker with treason, US Attorney Paul J McNulty said: "As far as other charges, we have the opportunity or right to have a superseding indictment if the evidence justifies that." 'Trained terrorist' Announcing the indictment at the US Justice Department, Attorney General John Ashcroft said it described Mr Walker as "an al-Qaeda-trained terrorist who conspired with the Taleban to kill his fellow citizens." He said the indictment was based in part on voluntary statements made Mr Walker. The new charges are: Conspiracy to contribute services to al-Qaeda Contributing services to the network Conspiracy to supply services to the Taleban Using and carrying firearms and destructive devices during crimes of violence Mr Walker had already been charged with: Conspiracy to murder US citizens or US nationals Two counts of conspiracy to provide material support and resources to designated foreign terrorist organisations Two counts of providing material support and resources to terrorist organisations Supplying services to the Taleban Mr Ashcroft said the indictment presented a timeline of Mr Walker's involvement with terrorism. The charge sheet said that in early summer 2001, Mr Walker was in an al-Qaeda training camp in Afghanistan. Later, as the network made their alleged preparation for the attacks of 11 September, Mr Walker was "forging ever deeper bonds" with al-Qaeda and met America's foremost suspect, Osama Bin Laden, Mr Ashcroft said. Mr Ashcroft said that on the day of 11 September, Mr Walker was fighting alongside the Taleban in Afghanistan, and in the weeks after the attack he remained with his fighting camp, despite knowing about the suicide attacks and being aware that additional attacks were planned. Walker's father is standing by his son
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Alexander Pope’s poem The Rape of the Lock Essay
There are several aspects to Alexander Pope’s poem, The Rape of the Lock which cement it as a unique and important work. Not only do Pope’s use of imagery and other literary tools create a landscape of the world which is represented here, but Pope also creates the feeling of total emersion into the story for the reader.            There are also many individual issues, within the work itself, which utilize their social standing to create emotion for the reader, such as the consumption of drugs throughout The Rape of the Lock. This creates an emotional bond with between the reader and the character within the poem by forcing the reader to make judgments on the characters. This judgment, then, becomes part of the reader’s vision of the world Pope created within the poem.            While the poem itself was called to be written by Pope’s close friend, to end the feud between two families, what Pope succeeds in creating was an epic of lust, debauchery and social posturing. This tale, spun by Alexander Pope, seems just as much a condemnation of the social stratification of his era, as it is a plea for well-born families to put aside their petty squabbles. The events leading up to the writing of the poem, as explained by Pope were:            The stealing of Miss Belle Fermor’s hair, was taken too seriously, and caused an             estrangement between the two families, though they had lived so long in great friendship      before. A common acquaintance and well    wisher to both desired me to write a poem to              make a jest of it, and laugh them together again. It was with   this view that I wrote the Rape of the Lock. (Pope) This partly explains the use of the term â€Å"Rape†in the title. The use of such a strong word to describe such an inane event illustrates Alexander Pope’s fondness of parody – as well as his ability to illustrate the strange and often humorous idiosyncrasies of the wealthy elite.            As Pope begins his five act poem, his first line both questions and accuses the parties involved in the rivalry by asking what â€Å"trivial things†could have been seen as such a â€Å"dire Offence†. The assault which is spoken of by Pope in this first canto is described as being committed by a â€Å"well-bred Lord†upon a â€Å"gentle Belle†. This assault is also questioned, in that Pope asked how a â€Å"Belle†could refuse the advances of such a well-born man. It is the assumption, from this early exchange, that it was socially expected that these two individuals, most certainly due to their social standing, would have no choice but to form a physical union – completely ignoring any personal choice in the matter.            Throughout the first canto, there are several examples of instances where Pope created a strange sense of reality through his use of word choice and order. Calling to attention the vision of a â€Å"birth-night beau†, a very festive and happy image, Pope juxtaposes the idea of non-consensual relations and enters into a dream-state. The allusions that Pope creates here are a very white and pure scene. The use of imagery such as the slippers, â€Å"silver sound†, and Belinda laying her head against her â€Å"downy pillow†creates a setting of safety and warmth.            In line twenty four of the first canto, the poem begins to take on a decidedly fantastic feel. This is used to create the sense that Belinda is truly a slothful person. As she arises at noon, the reader is told that she returns to sleep – creating a sense of an unpressured and possibly spoiled girl with no responsibilities.            The dreams of Belinda are also illustrated here. Pope mentions several types of fantastic characters in this section which illustrate the unrealistic world Belinda inhabits. The angels and elves which Pope mentions number in the thousands – and through them, illustrate the mental age of Belinda – that of a child. These creatures also set up the meaning of the first canto, the warning of Belinda.            In the clear Mirror of thy ruling Star I saw, alas! some dread Event impend, E’re to the Main this Morning Sun descend. But Heav’n reveals not what, or how, or where: Warn’d by thy Sylph, oh Pious Maid beware! This to disclose is all thy Guardian can. Beware of all, but most beware of Man! (Pope 1.108-114) This warning shows the reader, in Pope’s mock-epic style, that some sort of tragedy is about to unfold for Belinda.            This fantastical illustration continues through the end of the first canto. Pope uses the personification of the items in Belinda’s room to create the creatures which she sees through her dreams. Line 135 is a perfect example of this as Pope writes: â€Å"The Tortoise here and Elephant unite, / Transform’d to Combs†. It is obvious to the reader that Pope is describing a tortoise shell and ivory comb. However, in the dream world of Belinda, this object is represented by its literal components before losing this personification and becoming a tool to create Belinda’s physical beauty.            The second canto is used to by Pope to illustrate the importance of hair to the physical beauty of Belinda. Her majestic persona is described by Pope in order to place a heavy weight on the locks of hair she will eventually lose to the impetuous Lord.            Pope exaggerates Belinda’s physical attractiveness and the attractiveness of her jewelry as well. Though she is surrounded by many well presented youths, all adorned in splendor, â€Å"ev’ry Eye was fix’d on her alone†(Pope 2.6) Her physical beauty, as Pope describes it, is accentuated by the cross around her neck – which was so spectacular that â€Å"Jews might kiss, and Infidels adore†. (2.8) The power of a piece of jewelry to overcome religious conviction is very unlikely, however, for Pope, this is a perfect way to illustrate the perceived power of high social standing of the wealthy elite. For the members of the elite families of England, the importance of visual presentation cannot be over-stated, not even when compared to religion. Though the symbol she wears is a Christian icon, its beauty – both from its construction and the fact that it is being worn by a young girl of such attractiveness as Belinda, it could seemingly convert Jews and heathens from their chosen dogmas.            It is also in canto two that the Baron, who will perpetrate the rape of the lock, is introduced. Lines twenty nine and thirty of the second canto reads: â€Å"Th’ Adventrous Baron the bright Locks admir’d, / He saw, he wish’d, and to the Prize aspir’d†. This introduction of the Lord creates an interesting situation for the reader. Despite the several dozen lines of text which describe the beauty of Belinda’s clothing, jewelry as well as her physical features, it is the locks of hair that hang against her neck which the Baron first sets eyes upon, and subsequently longs for.            The first feelings of the Baron are shown to be violent in nature.            Resolv’d to win, he meditates the way,                By Force to ravish, or by Fraud betray;                For when Success a Lover’s Toil attends,                Few ask, if Fraud or Force attain’d his Ends.                (2.31-34) This illustration of the man’s intent shows the reader that the Baron does not visualize the hair on Belinda as a part of Belinda – if he recognizes Belinda at all. The hair that hangs on her neck, however, is instantly revered as a stately prize.            It is also through this section that the locks of hair are given a sexual persona. At no time does the Baron speak, or think of Belinda as a source of joy, but rather her hair as an all encompassing quest. The immediacy of the Baron’s passion for the locks of Belinda’s hair illustrates a very important aspect of his personality – the trophy is more important than the conquest. It is the intent of the Baron to display the locks of hair, as one would display a commendation. The locks of would signify the physical conquest of the beauty of Belinda – whether or not that conquest ever actually occurred.            The signification given to the locks of hair on Belinda’s head is that of her chastity. By removing them, the Baron, in so much as it was seen in the times, had given Belinda the equivalent of a badge of promiscuity. The path through which the Baron achieves his goal, is illustrated through a card game. though this game is seemingly innocuous, it symbolizes to very distinct and overt actions – the first being war, with the direct imagery within the poem, and the other being sex, by the eventual winning of the locks of chastity by the Baron.            The victory of the card game enables the Baron to cut the locks of hair from Belinda’s head. This action, keeping with the tone of the title of the poem, is illustrated violently – though the reality of the action was certainly far less extraordinary.            The Peer now spreads the glitt’ring Forfex wide,                T’inclose the Lock; now joins it, to divide.                Ev’n then, before the fatal Engine clos’d,                A wretched Sylph too fondly interpos’d;                Fate urg’d the Sheers, and cut the Sylph in twain,                (But Airy Substance soon unites again)                The meeting Points that sacred Hair dissever                From the fair Head, for ever and for ever!                (3.147-154) The words used by Pope in this stanza are undoubtedly violent. Though the Baron is removing the hair with the pressured permission of Belinda, Pope chooses to paint this scene as though the Baron was attacking her, killing her, and/or ravaging her body. Pope also uses strange images to create the picture in the reader’s mind. Line 148 states that the scissors were closed around the hair, cutting it; however, the language chosen by Pope creates the image of both conjunction and disjunction.            This stanza is followed by:            Then flash’d the living Lightnings from her Eyes,                And Screams of Horror rend th’ affrighted Skies.                Not louder Shrieks to pitying Heav’n are cast,                When Husbands or when Lap-dogs breath their last,                Or when rich China Vessels, fal’n from high,                In glittring Dust and painted Fragments lie!                (3.155-160) This violence that is being spoken of here, as intended by Pope, creates the feeling of murder, and military conquest. The emotions that Pope takes advantage of here, are for the express purpose of illustrating the over-exaggerated weight placed in the locks of hair. This scene is intentionally written so violently, as to show the reader that the members of this social stratum have little understanding of the true importance of things – such as locks of hair.            Throughout canto four, Pope makes several allusions to the act of torture. It is the intent of these lines to show the reader that the taking of the locks of hair, for Belinda, however insignificant as they may truly be, was a painful and violating event. Meanwhile, the Baron, himself, calls into question the validity of the social significance of the hair: â€Å"While the Fops envy, and the Ladies stare! / Honour forbid! at whose unrival’d Shrine / Ease, Pleasure, Virtue, All, our Sex resign†. (4.104-107)            The remainder of the poem, for Pope, further illustrates the illogical amount of importance placed on the loss of Belinda’s hair. The insistence that â€Å"Fate and Jove†where in the audience of this event, illustrates for the reader that the society which Pope is lampooning here feels that the Christian God and the pagan gods would be affronted by witnessing such a horrible action. Pope also suggests that the loss of Belinda’s locks would be of such great importance to the surrounding women in her life that their own lives would come to a halt – â€Å"For who cam move when fair Belinda fails?†(5.4)            Pope offers no redemption for the couple, or the society they inhabit. By line ninety-four of the fifth canto, Belinda and the Baron engage in actual combat. Pope uses this fight to further illustrate the complexity of this society’s skewed priorities.             Now meet thy Fate, incens’d Belinda cry’d,                And drew a deadly Bodkin from her Side.                (The same, his ancient Personage to deck,                Her great great Grandsire wore about his Neck                In three Seal-Rings which after, melted down,                Form’d a vast Buckle for his Widow’s Gown:                Her infant Grandame’s Whistle next it grew,                The Bells she gingled, and the Whistle blew;                Then in a Bodkin grac’d her Mother’s Hairs,                Which long she wore, and now Belinda wears.)                (5.86-96) The fact that the petite and beautiful Belinda pulls a blade from her side, and attacks the Baron with it, is against the idea of the age – where men are the fighters and women are weak in and in need of protection.            This attack by the young maiden is followed by the powerful Baron’s begging for his life – â€Å"ah, let me survive†. (5.101) This, again, goes against the expectations of the reader, creating a setting of irrationality. These actions by Pope to create this skewed reality, are effective in forcing the reader to see the entire world of The Rape of the Lock as improbable.            Throughout the poem, Pope utilizes the tools of the ancient epic poems to create a sense of importance and truth to the work. Just as Homer had with his Iliad, Pope creates a tale of heroic and historical importance. However, this is simply a ploy to expose the utter lack of importance of the issue at hand. The entirety of the poem is an exaggeration of the expectations of the reader, and their knowledge of history and poetic license.            The complexity of Pope’s couplet rhyming as well as the loose iambic lines, suggest that the work is meant to be seen just as the historical epics had been. However, the use of exaggerated metaphors and unlikely situations confront that sense of importance – and overpower it. The voice that Pope uses throughout the poem allows the reader to feel at ease with the untrustworthiness of the narrator.            It was the intent of Alexander Pope to illustrate a situation in which a ludicrous amount of importance was placed on a fairly insignificant object – hair. Though the fact is never revealed within the poem, hair regrows naturally. This means that regardless of the taking of the hair by the Baron, given ample time, the hair would be replaced and the event completely forgotten. However, as with the strain between the two families for which Pope was inspired to write about, the event was seen as somewhat of a major catastrophe. WORKS CITED Pope, Alexander. The Rape of the Lock. University of Massachusetts. Date of access: April 27, 2007. URL: http://www-unix.oit.umass.edu/~sconstan/index.html
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Literature Essay: One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest by K Kesey
It is suggested that Ken Kesey†s One Flew over the Cuckoo†s Nest contains examples of behaviour and attitudes displayed by characters within the clinical environment of the psychiatric ward which can be compared to behaviour found within contemporary American society. These include examples of leadership and hierarchy within a class or caste system, sexism and crime and punishment. In the text, the theme of leadership is very prominent and important to the story. Arguably it is more important theme of the book, than the issue of mental illness, which forms the setting and the core of the novel. The leader figure in the ward is Big Nurse, who has complete control over the ward. Any decisions that are made over a patient or with regards the running of the ward must go through Big Nurse first. She is seen by the Chief as being almost mechanical in her approach to her running of the ward: She†s got that bag full of a thousand parts she aims to use in her duties today-wheels and gears, cogs polished to a hard glitter†¦(10) The ward is run by her to a very strict daily routine, which is almost fanatically neurotic in it†s precision and dedication. Chief describes Big Nurse†s devotion to her daily routine: ‘The slightest thing messy or out of kilter in any way ties her into a little white knot of tight-smiled fury†(27) When McMurphy enters the ward, the delicate equilibrium which the nurse has created is upset. This is because, like the nurse, McMurphy is a natural leader-figure. He takes over the control of the ward by manipulating the patients; seemingly for their own good, but it may be argued that he gets a feeling a control from being a leader over a large group of people. This may be a feeling of control and power which has previously been absent in his life for some reason. We are told, early in the book, of McMurphy†s admission to the ward doctor about his conviction for raping a fifteen year old girl, and his unwillingness to acknowledge that he had committed a crime: ‘Said she was seventeen, Doc, and she was plenty willin††¦ so willin†, in fact, I took to sowing my pants up†(40) This could also be argued for Big Nurse; What is her motive for her total dedication to the job? It is possible that she also relishes the feeling of control over the patients in her care which her job allows. She knows that she has absolute power over every patient in her ‘care†; The power to change any of her patient†s lives immediately wherever she might see fit. Such behaviour can also be seen in contemporary society in an environment such as a school; The school is a good example because it has a central leader in the position of the head teacher. The head teacher has full responsibility over every person within the school, and also sets the rules and regulations which everyone in that particular school must obey. If a member of the school breaks any of the rules, the head teacher will decide an appropriate punishment. While the head teacher is answerable to the Governing Board of the school, they still have the most ‘power†and authority over the school. It can also be shown within a large corporation with the position of a Managing Director. All other staff in the company are directly answerable to him. The Managing Director has the power to hire new staff, and also to make staff redundant. But, again, he is answerable to the owner of the company and perhaps the shareholders; so he can never have total power in his position This can be contrasted with Big Nurse; She is, in theory, answerable to the Management Board of the hospital, and even to the doctors who work on the ward. But she appears to have the most control over the daily running of the ward, as if she were senior to the doctors, even though, in fact, she is only a nurse. She seems to have total and complete authority over every person in the ward. The theme of leadership does not mirror the outside world very accurately, as in contemporary society a leader of a society or an organisation is almost always accountable to a person senior to him. This is not seen in the novel, as Big Nurse seems to be answerable to no one, in fact, it is arguable that everyone answers to her. A hierarchy or class system operates inside the ward which can be clearly seen throughout the course of the novel. Patients living within the ward are ‘classed†according to the state of their mental health or to the condition of which they suffer from. Chief describes the method of discriminating patients from one another: ‘Across the room from the Acutes are the Chronics†¦ Not in the hospital, these, to get fixed, but to keep them walking the streets†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (17) Patients are divided into two categories of Acutes & Chronics: Chronics are those patients who have a condition which is untreatable, â€Å"machines with flaws which cannot be repaired†(17) and can only be controlled with medical methods. They will spend the rest of their lives inside the ward of the hospital. Patients who are seen as being likely to recover from their illness, and will return to society. Acutes are those patients e.g. Harding, who are seen as being likely to recover from their illness, and will return to society. Chronics can either have full use of their bodies or can be again sub-categorised into Wheelers and Vegetables; Those whose movement is impaired to such an extent, they can only move by being pushed around in wheelchairs. Vegetables are patients who, through excessive ECT ‘Shock Shop†(18) or through the overperscription of tranquillising medications: ‘Ellis is a chronic came in an Acute and got fouled up bad when they overloaded him in the Shock Shop†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (18) When McMurphy enters the ward, he assumes the role of a leader over all of his fellow patients in the ward. McMurphy has a strong, intelligent character and so he is able to manipulate others who are more vulnerable than he is. An example of his manipulation is when he shows some playing cards with pornographic photographs on them to Cheswick: ‘I brought along my own deck†¦Fifty-two positions†. Cheswick is pop-eyed already†¦those cards don†t help his condition. (16) Personality types which can be seen in contemporary society can also be seen very clearly with regard to the characters in the ward setting: McMurphy†s character is a rebel character who hates authority and authoritative figures. This is, perhaps, why he clashes so fiercely with Big Nurse. Chief is the veteran of the ward. He has been there the longest, since the start of World War II, with the exception of Big Nurse. He has the mutual respect of everyone in the ward. Billy Bibbit is insecure and has a stutter. His name is ironic in that it resembles a stutter when said. His problems have probably been caused by his overbearing mother, who was very protective and spoke for him whenever possible. In a large group of individuals, these personalities are often seen; A rebel character who goes against the system is almost always present in a class inside a school; A veteran who has gained the respect of everyone in that particular grouping; A person who is lacking in confidence, often reluctant to speak out. Today, in contemporary society, a class system is still very much a part of everyday life. People are classed on wealth, status and employment. Discrimination can also exist between classes; lower classes finding higher classes snobbish and elitist; higher classes perhaps seeing lower classes as ‘common†and uneducated. The book mirrors hierarchy in contemporary society very well, as it shows different personality types and differentiates between the different classes of people within it very clearly and accurately. However, it does not show discrimination between the different classes which exists today in contemporary society and is quite important to the structure of modern societies. The issues of Sexism and Sexuality are also raised within the book. Although they do not feature so prominently as the themes of Leadership and Hierarchy, they are nevertheless very important to the behaviour of the characters. Taking the theme of sexism in the text, women are placed into two distinct stereotypical types. They are portrayed as either whores, sluts or nymphomaniac wives; or the book goes to the other extreme where women are held as asexual ‘machines†. This view is very important when referring to Big Nurse. The prostitutes that appear during McMurphy†s fishing trip are a good example of the first way the book describes women. They are shown as amoral, trivialising sex so that it is seen only as a meaningless business transaction. It is also made clear of the loss of McMurphy†s at the age of nine: ‘The first girl ever drug me to bed wore that same dress. I was about ten†¦Taught me how to love, bless her sweet ass (201)†Ruckly†s wife is another example of this such view of women as adulteresses. Ruckly has had an unsuccessful lobotomy, making him rather mentally unstable. The text portrays him very sympathetically, so the reader empathises with his character from the outset: ‘They brought him back to the ward two weeks later†¦you can see by his eyes how they burned him up in there†(18) Ruckly had found out that his wife had been seeing other men; Every time she is mentioned he remembers what she did to him: ‘Memory whispers someplace in that jumbled machinery†¦He turns red and veins clog up†¦Fffffffuck da wife! Ffffffuck da wife!†(19) This is not the only unfavourable way women are portrayed in the novel. Big Nurse is shown as a hardened and rather sterile asexual character. ‘ ‘A mistake was made in manufacturing, putting those big, womanly breasts on her†¦and you can she how bitter she is for it†(11) Whenever she is described by Chief, her attributes are likened to a piece of machinery which is cold and unfeeling. It appears that she is so dedicated to the ward that she is ‘married†to the job and sexual relationships have no place in her ‘plan†. It is arguable that this is why she becomes so enraged when she discovers McMurphy†s relations with the prostitutes towards the end of the book. Today, in contemporary society, the view sometimes is still held that women inferior to men. They can be seen as incapable of carrying out work, and should stay at home to look after the children. Although the advent of feminism has almost vanquished these ‘male chauvinist†attitudes, women can still be stereotyped as above; as whores or nymphomaniacs or, like Big Nurse; ‘frigid†, asexual and cold. It can be seen, thus, the text of One Flew over the Cuckoo†s Nest shows sexism in contemporary society accurately. Finally, the issues of crime and punishment are raised throughout the book and are very important from the outset and ultimately to the ending of the story. The ward, like the society outside, is run on a system of sanctions and rewards which are allocated according to a patient†s behaviour. Punishments may be issued, by Big Nurse, for unwillingness to co-operate with the daily routine or with the staff. Punishments included ECT , the removal of privileges such as cigarettes or more serious, repeat offenders as a last resort, a lobotomy. A patient could also be sent to Disturbed, in effect a ‘hospital within a hospital†where a patient could be sent to recover from an outburst and they will return to the ward when Big Nurse sees fit. A lobotomy is a surgical procedure in which the pre-frontal lobes of the brain are either removed or destroyed. This was thought to pacify aggressive patients, but in practise, it transformed them into inactive individuals: â€Å"The installations they do these days are usually successful†¦a success they say†¦like Ruckly fumbling and drooling all over his picture†(18-19) Rewards were also issued to by the establishment of the ward; Patients were give a ‘ration†of cigarettes every week, but this was stopped when McMurphy arrived in the ward as he used to win the others†cigarettes from them in gambling card games. It is arguable that the security of the hospital could be seen as a reward. Patients, who through the result of their ‘mental illness †could not cope in the outside world and require the constant daily routine to feel secure and safe. Contemporary society has a system of rules, laws and legislations which must be followed to be a member of that society. Society also has the power, like the ward to issue sanctions for those who break the rules. Although many countries have abolished the use of corporal or capital punishment for serious crimes, North America is one such a country where, depending on the state, a person may face capital punishment by lethal injection, electric chair or gas chamber. The ward applies corporal punishment in the form of the ECT and it may be argued that a lobotomy is a form of capital punishment because the patient has little or no quality of life left after the procedure, so they might as well have been killed. Ken Kesey†s One Flew Over The Cuckoo†s Nest mirrors, in the behaviour of it†s characters, contemporary society very accurately and can still be relied on, as a contemporary text, an accurate display of the treatment of patients within a mental hospital today.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
English Suite No 3 in G minor.(J.S Bach) Analysis essays
English Suite No 3 in G minor.(J.S Bach) Analysis essays According to Phillip Spitta the English Suites must be regarded as Bachs most deliberate and developed excursions in the suite form. J. Matheson says that they give the picture of a contented and satisfied mind delighting in order and repose In these Bach combines elements of the French tradition with the south German suite type which Johann Jacob Froberger had originated. He also assimilates some Italian influences. His ability though, to give varied forms to pieces of the same species makes the Suites easily recognizable as his own works. Generally in the Suites, the allemande prepares the way for the courante and they both form a whole. The allemande in Suite No 3 is a fine example of the grace and emotionally versatility that Bach can show on the keyboard. It consists of two sections, equal as to length, of twelve bars each. With a first look we can see that the harmonies are broad and both parts have various figures. The piece begins commonly with a short note, a semiquaver before the first bar and it is followed by an arpeggiation of the tonic chord in the left hand. We have two part texture with semiquavers against semiquavers that share the melodic sequence until bar 3. The harmony is mostly straightforward but interesting if we accept the second chord with the F sharp in the bass as a VII leading to a V7 in the next beat. The second bar continues with an arpeggiation of chord i as the passing bass sequence sets up a V chord in the third beat and resolves back to the tonic in the beginning of bar 3. Up to here the harmony seems fairly simple and we can not really see any specific mood being portrayed. In bar 3 though, a clear sequence begins in the bass and a series of arpeggiated chords lead to a first modulation in bar 6. Alr eady, the F natural in the start of the bar produces a richer feeling for the melody. The sequence, that starts with the tonic, descents gradually to VII, then to v and climbs to V...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
The Best Place To Put Social Media Buttons On Your Blog
The Best Place To Put Social Media Buttons On Your Blog Have you ever wondered where the best place to put social media buttons on your blog is? If so, youre not alone. Back when we first added social sharing analytics to over a year ago, I wondered the same thing. There are so many small tweaks that you can make to your blog layout thatll improve conversions and reader experience. Surely, I thought, there has to be a set of best practices for social media buttons as well. I set out to find all the data on which best influences social sharing on our blog. What I found may actually surprise you. Are you ready to see how you can improve social media sharing on your on blog? If so, read on! Im going to improve my #socialmedia button placement to get more social sharing. #blogging Why Worry About Social Media Buttons? This is a common question, and the answer is a bit more complicated than it might seem at first. In 2016, social media is as important as ever. However, there is still some debate whether or not social media buttons drive clicks. Part of the reason for that discussion likely derives from how many blogs and sites implement social media buttons ineffectively. It's not entirely fair to judge a design decision that isn't set up for success, but we also don't want to make decisions that can't be supported by accurate data. That's why it's important to make sure you get the design and placement of your buttons correct. It's not enough that your buttons simply look good, or that they are just present somewhere on your pages. They need to be placed where they're going to catch your readers attention and make it easy to share your awesome content with their followers. So Many Options, So Many Opinions By now, you've probably gathered that there's a lot of chatter about this topic. A quick Google search reveals this discussion at Stack Exchange, which considers whether social media buttons should be placed at the beginning or end of a blog post. Despite all of the discussion, there is little evidence to back those ideas up. Even this conversation over at Moz.com fails to provide solid evidence on the subject. It seems like we may be just guessing. Can't we do better than that? To start digging, I looked at what some of the most common options are. I started with the question, "Where do some of the biggest sites on the web place their social media buttons?" The answer? Everywhere! Popular Placement Options For Social Media Buttons: Top of post - Do users share before they actually read the article? This is one of the most common placement options frequently used by sites like TechCrunch and Mashable. Left of post - Placing social buttons to the left of the blog post makes a lot of sense, as readers follow text left to right. This is the placement that we use here at . Right of post - This one surprised me, but it is out there. Social Media Examiner is a good example of a site with this placement. Bottom of post - Placing social media buttons at the bottom of the post was very common, and the only place you will find social buttons on Seth Godin's blog. Is he missing out on possible shares because of this placement? In-line of post - A growing trend is to actually  place shareable content inline with the rest of your content. We do this regularly on our blog using our plugin. No social buttons at all - This is a surprising and growing trend heralded by sites like the Signal v. Noise blog by Basecamp. Are they hurting their chances for viral success? We'll look into this in a minute, but for now, that's the playing field. The question still lingers- where do these sharing buttons perform the best? The answer is, admittedly, a bit hard to find (which may be why so many sites place them so seemingly haphazardly) but there are certainly some big data points that we can examine to reach a conclusion. Data Point #1: Prominence Matters More Than Placement Popular social sharing tool AddThis provides some excellent insight on this topic.  Their advice to users is as follows: Pick a prominent position: The more visible the button is the more people will bookmark and share your content, which will lead more traffic back to your site. Keep your button near the top of the page: Avoid making your readers scroll to find your sharing button. It is okay to have the button at the top and bottom of the page, but users will find it easier at the top. Place the button in close proximity to the content being shared: This helps readers understand what they are sharing. Watch out for navigation: Be careful about placing the button too close to navigation, so users don't interact with it by accident. From these tips, we can easily conclude that prominence matters more than placement when it comes to social media buttons. With the wrong placement, readers can easily mistake social buttons as ads or other navigation. This will likely result in lower usage for the buttons. Reading through the lines, we can also see that AddThis advocates keeping social media buttons near the top-left side of the page- a conclusion that is supported by other sources. Data Point #2: Users Interact With The Top Left Side The Most According to usability icon Jacob Nielson and a study that he conducted in 2006, eyetracking visualizations show that users often read Web pages in an F-shaped pattern: two horizontal stripes followed by a vertical stripe. Readers view your page in an F-style pattern. Keep this in mind when placing social media buttons. The top left portion is the most-viewed part of the web page.  More eyes go there than anywhere else. This supports the idea that left and top are best choices for social share buttons, as indicated by AddThis. Readers view your page in an F-style pattern. Keep this in mind when placing #socialmedia buttons....Data Point #3: Too Many Social Buttons Will Make Things Worse Doug Antkowiak makes a great point about social media buttons on the Search Engine Journal blog. He points out that too many social buttons may negatively impact the speed of your website. This is a big red flag, as site speed has been clearly linked to better readership and SEO performance. The most valuable conclusion that we can draw from this is that we should limit the number of social media buttons that we display to as few as possible. The risks of slowing down our site just isn't worth it. Social media buttons provide one of those situations where more is not necessarily better. The data here continues: After polling 50 of the most popular websites in the world, Webaholic.co.in found that Facebook and Twitter were easily the most-used social media buttons on the web with Linkedin and Google+ also showing strong results. They concluded that the utility of each of those networks fluctuated quite a bit depending on the audience type for each site. This evidence is backed up by TrackMaven's more polarizing conclusion after examining nearly 2 billion social shares. Their data concluded that the vast majority of social shares take place on the top two social networks (Twitter and Facebook). Clearly, we don't need to include all networks to make a good use of social media buttons. In this report, TrackMaven reveals that 38.6% of social shares were on Twitter. Facebook â€Å"likes†and â€Å"shares† accommodated for another 60.3%. Data Point #4: Under-Used Social Buttons Provide Negative Social Proof Social proof is a psychological phenomenon where people use the actions of others to guide their own behavior. In essence, it's the psychological term for "monkey see monkey do." As one of our own writers, Julie once pointed out: â€Å"Social proof is a shortcut in the thought process. We don’t have to think. The others already did (we assume).†The reality is that social proof plays a big role in social sharing and can make a big impact on the success of social media buttons. Negative social proof diminishes the value of the social sharing button. In a now classic A/B test, Taloon.com (a Finland-based hardware eCommerce store) found that social media buttons were actually hurting their conversion rates. When they removed the social media buttons from their page, they recorded an 11.9% increase in CTA clickthroughs as compared to the original page. If the results surprise you, you can read more here, but social proof gives us a clear answer for this result. Because very few people actually â€Å"like†product pages, the near zero results on social media buttons were actually providing negative social proof- preventing users from purchasing what they were perceiving as an unpopular product. As Chris Coyer points out on his CSS-Tricks blog, "low numbers can look embarrassing." Near zero results on #socialmediabuttons may actually be providing near-negative social proof....Data Point #5: Social Sharing Buttons Can Bring Traffic In one of the more complete (but not scientific) studies on the value of social sharing buttons, blogger Joshua Benton concludes that many news organizations receive 20% of their Twitter traffic from Tweet buttons available on their page. That's actually a pretty big deal! For example, 16.3 percent of tweets to the New York Times in his tests actually came from a Twitter social media button on the site itself. For the Wall Street Journal, the share rate was more like 20.2 percent. Not bad, huh? Social media buttons can help traffic after all. 20.2% of tweets to the #WallStreetJournal actually came from their Twitter share button.One point to keep in mind, however, is that Twitter recently removed the ability for social sharing buttons to display their sharing stats for that platform. So, while the presence of a button to tweet an article may help boost shares, publishers have lost the benefit of positive social proof that comes from having a stat counter. That makes it tougher to see how many times your posts are getting tweeted, but if you have some technical skills, Google has a partial solution using Google Analytics. It won't let you display within your social sharing widget how may times a post was shared on Twitter, but it can at least help you know for yourself if readers are clicking your Twitter button. Data Point #6: Negative Sentiment Against Social Sharing Buttons Is Gaining Momentum, But Why? Despite the results from the New York Times and The Wall Street Journal, not all publications have seen the same success. UK blog Inside GOV.UK reported a paltry 0.2% increase in shares after adding social media buttons to their site. While buttons being placed at the bottom of the page couldn't have helped, their results are in line with conclusions developed by Luke Wroblewski, who felt that only 0.25% of Tweets were actually attributable to a social media button after analyzing more than 18 million page views. Others, like Signal v. Noise just prefer the way their site looks and loads without them and believes that if someone wants to share their content, they will find a way. To each their own, of course, but there is definitely some truth in the matter. Just a quick survey around the office concludes that most social sharing takes place outside of the article itself, and can be attributed to a variety of other tools. A few examples of this include: Buffer Chrome Extensions Other Social Browser Extensions Feedly, FlipBook, and Other RSS/Content Readers Mobile browsers Pocket And more than we can list Conclusion: Where Is The Best Place To Put Social Media Buttons On My Blog? The opinions about social sharing buttons are wide, but often not particularly deep. Reality is, that it just depends on your own blog and audience type. But, being the adventurous sort that I am, I think that we can easily answer this question (at least to find what's true in most cases). And the winner is...
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Does Age Matter in Relationships Research Paper
Does Age Matter in Relationships - Research Paper Example The general trend that is most often observed in our society is when the man is older than the woman which is quite acceptable however; problems can arise if the opposite happens. Nonetheless, it is never impossible to be in a relationship which encompasses age differences as long as the couple understands each other and possesses the capability to resolve issues in case there are any. (Furman, 2000) It should be understood that here when we took about age, it does mean the physical changes that it imposes on the person; it is rather the maturity and change in the mental level that is under consideration. In a relationship, it does not really matter as to who is older and who is younger as long as there is compatibility and the maturity level matches. That is how it is often seen a 50 year old falling for someone who is half the age. An individual reaches a certain maturity level considering the various life experiences, hardships as well as personal beliefs and all this has no parti cular age limit whatsoever. One of the factors that can build or break a relationship is the common interests shared by the two people. The secret to successful relationships is mostly the similarity and convergence that exists between the hobbies and activities of individuals. Like it is said, birds of a feather flock together; this notion holds true for relationships too and is the key to most of the successful and prosperous relationships. However it does not mean that it is necessary for the couple to have similar interests, this is only possible in perfect situations which clearly do not exist. What’s more important is to share some time together doing things that interest both. One of the things that hold importance when it comes to carrying relationships with major age differences is to determine whether it will be a hindrance in doing particular activities together such as hiking, skiing, travelling etc. (Douglas, 2002) While at one point the things that contribute to a healthy relationship may be mental compatibility, similar interests and hobbies, same career choices or merely the love factor. If looked from the other point of view, the picture has a completely different dimension to it as well. The most significant among them being the biological factor, which alters the needs and priorities of people owing to their age and experience. While at one point of life, one of the two people in the relationship may want to live life to the fullest while the other might want to keep the pace slow. In some cases where women are older than men, women have to face a lot of criticism and deal with the pressures coming from the society. Biological factors such as woman’s incapability to reproduce due to old age are also inevitable and can stain the relationship if the man is not understanding and supportive and also if the issue has not been discussed before. (Jennifer, 2008) The common trends in a society, personal experiences and beliefs also pla y a great role in determining and deciding what the possible age difference should be. Women tend to be inclined towards older men owing to the fact that they are mature, well settled, and seeking for a serious and long term relationship which is quite contrary to the attitude of younger men who are non serious and are not sure of what
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